Transference Healer
Guest Healer: Daria Tavoularis
Daria is an ordained priestess who has been a student of the spiritual mysteries for over twenty years. Her deep immersion into the magic of life began with the spontaneous activation of her Kundalini and the personal crisis that followed. When the ground beneath her fell away, she found that she was held by a loving force which carried her through the cycles of purification, incubation and rebirth with fierce and unconditional tenderness. Daria’s mission is to help others meet this force and allow themselves to be moved by it. She has studied with her spiritual teacher Alexis Cartwright on powerful grid locations in Ireland, Cyprus and Italy, and is grateful for the opportunity to offer Transference Healing® to her Reno community through Healing One.
Transference Healing® is a seventh dimensional frequency-healing and ascension modality that is multidimensional, comprehensive and advanced. It works with the resources of frequency, light and matter (elements) to initiate and support ‘transference’; a shift from one state of being into another. This is pure alchemy. Transference Healing® is a self-healing tool that seeks to empower you to work with the very depths of your human anatomy, consciousness and spiritual being. It unifies ancient healing traditions with unique lightbody (electromagnetic) healing procedures channelled by Alexis Cartwright, creating an intricate and profoundly effective form of healing. Transference Healing® enables you to achieve and sustain a consistent level of health and wellness, while also connecting you to the complexity of your divine and inner nature. It’s a healing of hope, light and love, enhancing spiritual awakening so you can return to a state of oneness with the omniverse and the God/Goddess.
Daria’s sessions are $165- bookable online on set dates, or by calling Healing One.