Past Events


Active Heal Days:
Yoga in the Park

Sunday, August 25th
Crissy Caughlin Park
3415 Idlewild Dr, Reno, NV 89509
10am Yoga Class
Donation Based
All Skill Levels
11:30am Flow Arts Fun and Play

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Healing One is so excited for the opportunity to host this upcoming Active Heal Days event: Yoga in the Park! With special returning guest facilitator Candice Connolly.

This all skill levels welcome, donation based, Yoga class will be hosted at Crissy Caughlin Park starting at 10am. All are welcome to join us!

After we all yoga-level-up together, we will bring out the hoops, flow toys, juggling clubs, and outdoor toys to get in some more community building fun in this beautiful location by the river.

So, please bring your yoga mat, water bottle, flow toys and hoops, an open mind, and an open heart, and wear comfy clothes for this empowering and uplifting Active Heal Days event.

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Candice has been teaching yoga since 2016 in the Reno area and in South Lake Tahoe. She currently teaches at Now Yoga and Eagle Fitness in Northwest Reno. She enjoys bringing a sense of playful light-heartedness into her yoga classes as she weaves us in and out of asana postures, moving through different pranayama/breathing techniques, and touching on yogic philosophy and lifestyle. “I feel that yoga is a lifelong love affair with yourself where there is always more and something new to learn and/or discover. Thankfully and inevitably Yoga brings us into greater harmony with ourselves and also with the universe and all that is.” Candice not only loves teaching but also practicing a variety of styles. She has gone on to study bodywork and energy healing modalities. Now a certified Reiki 2 practitioner and a Licensed Massage Therapist, she is continuing to gain and utilize more knowledge about functioning anatomy and the body, mind, soul connection in all of her practices.

Thank you so much for joining us and for sharing your vibrant experience to facilitate for us in this Active Heal Days event, Candice!

We look forward to seeing you ALL here! Namaste.

Re-Imagine Wellness Fair

Sunday, August 18th
Reno Masonic Building
40 W 1st St, Reno, NV 89501
Free Community Event
Information/Speakers/Raffle and more!

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Healing One is absolutely elated to be participating as a vendor and sponsor of this inaugural wellness fair where we are joining a host of wellness businesses, practitioners, advocates, and visionaries from our community whose collective dream is to see individuals empowered to live a wellness-centered life and to share the tools we've all found to support this dream. This is a free event chalk full of presentations, information, opportunities to participate in group and individual healing sessions, play, raffle prizes, and more. See you all there!

Healing One is at
The Riverside Farmers Market

Thursday, August 15th
925 Riverside Dr, Reno
Local/organic/fresh produce
Services/booking/chair massage


Active Heal Days:
Tai Chi in the Park

Sunday, August 11th
Crissy Caughlin Park
10am Tai Chi Class
Donation Based
All Skill Levels
11:30am Flow Arts Fun and Play

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Healing One is super pumped for the opportunity to host this upcoming Active Heal Days event: Tai Chi in the Park! With special returning guest facilitator Justin Walker.

This all skill levels welcome, donation based, Tai Chi class will be hosted at Crissy Caughlin Park starting at 10am. All are welcome to join us!

After we all Tai Chi level up together, we will bring out the hoops and flow toys to get in some more community building fun in this beautiful location by the river.

So, please bring your water bottle, flow toys and hoops, an open mind, and an open heart, and wear comfy clothes for this empowering and uplifting Active Heal Days event.


Justin Walker is joining us with a passion for fitness, well-being, and joyful activities. He is currently serving as a personal trainer at Saint Mary's Fitness Center where he also teaches Tai Chi classes. We are so honored and privileged to welcome him to share his passion and expertise. Thank you Justin!


Community Open House

Wednesday August 7th
6pm - 8:00pm
Members, friends, 1st time in
All are welcome!

Free to attend! Come see what's new at Healing One.
Take a tour of our Float Suites and healing spaces.
Meet our team of staff and healers, get your questions answered.
Enjoy tea, snacks, discounts, learn about different healing modalities and enter to win free floats.


8/3, 8/5, 8/9
Special Healing Event
The Lucia Light Experience

Saturday, August 3rd
Monday, August 5th
Friday, August 9th
1 hour individual sessions
$70 per session
@ Healing One
Call or book online

The Lucia N°03 is a stroboscopic light system that stimulates temporary brain wave patterns that would usually only appear after several years of meditation practice. For the first time, even novice meditators experience a state of deep relaxation coupled with focus, where one is in touch with their own intuition and sense of wholeness.

Lucia N°03 is a neuro-stimulator which combines 8 LEDs and a Halogen light. The computer-controlled interaction of these light sources activates different areas of the brain and elicits a variety of experiences including seeing intense worlds of color and shapes, a sense of leaving the body, and even lucid dream states.

White light passes through the retina to the pineal gland, and creates a unique visual experience for each person. The inner consciousness of the light traveler produces scenes of indescribable beauty.

The Lucia N°03 was developed in Austria by Dr. Engleburt Winkler (psychiatrist) and Dr. Dirk Proeckl (neurologist). Following ancient traditions of utilizing flickering light to induce meditative states and research on near death experiences, the doctor’s integrated modern EEG monitoring technology to carefully create different sequences and patterns of flickering and solid light. There are over 150 sessions available of different intensities that cater to each individual’s preferences in the moment they experience the light.

Reported Benefits:
The Lucia N°03 offers the benefits of a very deep meditation, through accessing an expanded state of consciousness almost immediately. The light stimulates temporary harmonic brain wave patterns in the brain usually only found in the brains of people who have been meditating for decades. The light helps the user access the Theta state as well as the high Alpha patterns, often associated with joy, intuition, creativity, and high concentration.

Reported Benefits Include:
-Reduced anxiety, stress, fear, and depression
-Sense of wholeness / oneness
-Increased sense of inner peace and emotional stability
-Increased creativity and intuition
-Improved physical healing and energy
-More restful sleep

Very Important Notes:
This is a wonderful, expanding experience for those who are open to it, although it is not for everyone. It is not recommended for those who:
-have a history of epilepsy or seizures
-are under 18 years of age
-are pregnant
-have a history of severe anxiety attacks, or other psychosis

We are absolutely thrilled to welcome Lindsay and The Lucia Light to Healing One and to make this available for all who are interested.

Let us know if you have any questions. We hope to see you there!

Healing One is at
The Riverside Farmers Market

Thursday, July 11th
925 Riverside Dr, Reno
Local/organic/fresh produce
Services/booking/chair massage

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